Nemi Shah
Mobile applications developer

Hey there! I'm a mobile applications developer based in India.

My experience

I have over 6 years of experience building mobile applications and have worked for large companies as well as startups.
Android + React Native
June 2017 — May 2019
React Native
June 2017 — May 2019
iOS + React Native
June 2017 — May 2019
SuperTokens (YC S20)
Full Stack
June 2017 — May 2019

My skill set

As a full stack developer I have experience in both frontend and backend frameworks but I specialise in mobile applications.
Cross platform development
I am proficient in building apps for iOS and Android using cross platform frameworks like React Native and Flutter.
iOS app Development
Using both Swift and SwiftUI I can build beautiful apps for iOS. I've also published apps to the app store.
Android app development
I can build mobile apps for Android using XML or Compose. Over the years I have worked on and published several apps.
Backend Development
As a result of building my own apps I learned backend development and have since built my own backends using Node and Express.

Work with me

I freelance in my free time as a mobile developer. If you are building an app and need help, get in touch!.


I've done a lot of work over the years, here's some of the projects I'm most proud of
Every Litte Twig
An app that let's you create groups with friends and family and access features like shared shopping lists, reading lists, reminders etc. The app was built using Flutter and a bit of native code and uses libraries like FCM, Crashlytics etc.
Writing blogs and articles
I write blogs and articles on mobile development and sometimes other programming topics. Being a UI developer most of my work is around UI/UX and I write about concepts I find interesting. I publish on Medium, Hashnode and Hackernoon, with plans on migrating to my own blog on this website soon.

Technologies I can work with

Heres a list of all technologies and frameworks I have experience with:

Mobile Frameworks

Backend Frameworks

Want to get in touch?
Drop me a line!

Get in touch

Or reach out on other platforms
