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A Guide to UI Design Patterns in Flutter — Navigation and Layout

In this article, we’re going to look at all the different ways to lay out and navigate between different features in your Flutter apps.

Flutter’s pretty awesome for building apps that work everywhere — phones, computers, you name it. And a big part of making these apps user-friendly is getting navigation right.

This article won’t cover navigation between screens, instead we will cover options for how to design your UI to account for navigation in some common cases. So let’s start by discussing some of the factors involved behind making such a decision.

Let’s take a look at a couple options and discuss when they can be useful:

Tab Bar Navigation


This usually involves a number of tabs either on the bottom (common in iOS apps) or the top (more common in Android) of the screen that lets user’s switch between features easily. This pattern is best used when you have a small set of equally important features on the same screen that you want users to easily access. Bottom tab bar based layouts are great for UX because the user’s thumb can easily reach the tabs.

Design principles




In this example we will be using a Cupertino style tab bar, you can refer to the official Flutter documentation to know how to use the material tab bar.

class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyHomePage({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return CupertinoTabScaffold(
      tabBar: CupertinoTabBar(items: const [
          icon: Icon(CupertinoIcons.home),
          icon: Icon(CupertinoIcons.settings),
      tabBuilder: (builderContext, position) {
        return CupertinoTabView(
          builder: (tabViewContext) {
            return Center(
              child: Text('Tab $position'),



Carousels are horizontal scroll based layouts where the user swipes to switch between views. These are often used for features such as onboarding, photo galleries etc. Carousels can be full screen or a percentage height, typically each individual view of a carousel is full width but you can have them be slightly smaller to make it evident that there is a next item that can be scrolled to.

iOS typically has paged carousels, meaning you always fully scroll to the next item even if the user only scrolls partially. Generally if the user does only partially scroll to the next item you should automatically scroll such that the item is fully in view.

When you have a few items in the carousel (for example in your onboarding flow) it is a good idea to also add an indicator with your carousel that informs users about how many items there are and has a way to show what position they are currently at. If you have many items (let’s say a photo gallery) including an indicator will just add clutter, in this case its better to add some sort of actions (arrows for example) that lets users trigger a scroll to the next item and then disable that action visually to indicate that they have reached the end.

Carousels are best used when you want to lay out more than 2–3 items (at least 3) horizontally. You should use a tab bar instead of a full screen carousel if you have 2–3 items that are independent features.

Design principles




While you can create a carousel from scratch in Flutter you can also use a library created by someone else to implement some of these design patterns. For example at the time of writing carousel_slider was one of the more popular libraries on for carousels in Flutter.

Segmented Control


This pattern is something that is used mainly in iOS and other Apple frameworks. Segmented control involves separating your view in separate segments that the user can toggle between using some controls. This type of pattern is useful when you need to separate your layout but the different segments all share the same context (for example switching between missed and normal calls in the phone app).

While Flutter allows you to implement this in Android it may not be a good idea if the rest of the app follows the normal material guideline because it would feel out of place.

Common use cases of segment controls include filtering content, switching between different views for the same data (list and map views for example) etc

Design principles




In this example we use CupertinoSlidingSegmentedControl but you can use SegmentedButton if you want a more material look for your app.

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  String selectedIndex = '1';

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: SafeArea(
        child: Center(
          child: Column(
            children: [
                groupValue: selectedIndex,
                children: const {
                  "1": Text("First"),
                  "2": Text("Second"),
                onValueChanged: (value) {
                  if (value != null) {
                    setState(() {
                      selectedIndex = value;



Stories is inspired by popular social media apps but have since become a popular design pattern. Stories are a popular way of showcasing content in a sequential and immersive way, useful for showing content such as tutorials, guides, product showcases etc.

Design principles




At the time of writing this article, story_view was one of the more popular libraries for adding stories like layout to Flutter apps.

There are plenty more options when it comes to design patterns for navigation UI, you can pick and choose or combine multiple ones to design really good looking apps. The key to choosing between them it to maintain clarity and ease of use for your users while keeping the general usability of your app as intuitive as possible.